tilemaker: build an autosuggest index (Jan 21, 2024)

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tilemaker powers the vector tiles on this site. It describes itself thusly:

tilemaker creates vector tiles (in Mapbox Vector Tile format) from an .osm.pbf planet extract

Pfft, this is a failure of imagination! Sure, it's designed for creating vector tiles. But if you squint, it's a Lua runtime for parallel processing of OpenStreetMap and geospatial data. What else can we do with it?

Could we, perhaps, use it to build this autosuggest feature?

Spoiler: yes we can. Here's the gist of how it works, using waterfalls as a motivating example. The full code is linked at the end.

Exporting OSM entities as JSON lines

I have some ideas about how I'm going to index the data for fast searching, but to start with, let's focus on making it available in a flexible JSON format.

Honestly, this part is fairly boring! It's mainly plumbing existing things together:

Write a Lua profile that looks like:

node_keys = {'waterway=waterfall'}

local file_append = require 'file_append'
local json = require 'json'
local qrank = require 'qrank'

function init_function()

function node_function()
  local name = Find('name')
  if name == '' then return end
      name = name,
      qrank = qrank.get(Find('wikidata')),
      lon = Centroid()[1],
      lat = Centroid()[2],

Thwarting tile generation

Despite our best efforts, tilemaker still conceives of itself as a tool to generate tiles. We don't want it to waste any time trying to generate them, so we'll tweak our config:

  "maxzoom": 0,
  "minzoom": 0,
  "basezoom": 0,

This ensures that tilemaker will generate at most 1 tile, the z0/0/0 tile.

Creating a searchable database

This creates a JSON file like:

{"qrank":1, "name":"Sunwapta Falls", "lon":-117.64461, "lat":52.53237}
{"qrank":17236, "name":"Athabasca Falls", "lon":-117.88348, "lat":52.66447}

Much better than a binary PBF, but still not an efficient format for searching, especially once it scales up to hundreds of thousands of items.

We'll ingest it into a SQLite database. SQLite supports full-text search and is broadly supported by operating systems and programming languages.

This snippet of TypeScript is written against the Bun runtime:

import { Database } from "bun:sqlite";
import fs from 'node:fs';

async function main() {
  const db = new Database('autosuggest.db');

  // Create a schema with full-text search
  db.query(`CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE fts USING fts5(name, qrank);`).run();
  db.query(`CREATE TABLE items(name TEXT, qrank INTEGER, lat NUMERIC, lon NUMERIC);`).run();

  // Load the JSON objects into an array
  const rows = (await Bun.file('waterfalls.json').text())
    .filter(x => x)
    .map(x => JSON.parse(x));

  // Disable fsync for faster importing
  db.query('PRAGMA synchronous = OFF').run();

  // Create a prepared statement
  const stmt = db.query(`INSERT INTO items (qrank, name, lon, lat)
                         VALUES ($qrank, $name, $lon, $lat)`);

  // Populate the fact table
  for (const row of rows) {
    const { qrank, name, lon, lat } = row;
      $qrank: qrank,
      $name: name,
      $lon: lon,
      $lat: lat,

  // Populate the full-text search table
  db.query(`INSERT INTO fts(rowid, name, qrank)
            SELECT rowid, name, qrank FROM items`).run();


Now we have an autosuggest.db that supports zippy prefix queries:

$ sqlite autosuggest.db
sqlite> SELECT * FROM items
  WHERE rowid IN (SELECT rowid FROM fts WHERE name MATCH 'w*')
  ORDER By qrank DESC LIMIT 2;
| qrank |         name          |     lon      |       lat       |
| 19788 | Willamette Falls      | -122.6192731 | 45.351020096377 |
| 14446 | Wailua Falls          | -159.3785828 | 22.034626690186 |
Run Time: real 0.012 user 0.012459 sys 0.000005

Publishing to the web

All that remains is to host this database someone on the web. AWS's Lambda function URLs are very well-suited for this task.

We can write a small Python script -- no dependencies needed -- that exposes the database:

import json
import sqlite3

con = sqlite3.connect('autosuggest.db')
con.row_factory = sqlite3.Row

def search(q):
    q = ' '.join(q.strip().split()) + '*'
    cur = con.cursor()
        '''SELECT * FROM items WHERE rowid IN
           (SELECT rowid FROM fts WHERE name MATCH ?)
           ORDER BY qrank DESC LIMIT 10''',

    return [r for r in cur]

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    q = event['queryStringParameters']['q'] or ''

    hits = search(q)
    return {
        'statusCode': 200,
        'body': json.dumps(hits)

And, tada:

$ curl https://lono5me4vqw32h6dmh66o3dkve0hwewm.lambda-url.us-east-1.on.aws/?q=w
    "qrank": 19788,
    "name": "Willamette Falls",
    "lon": -122.61927,
    "lat": 45.35102
    "qrank": 14446,
    "name": "Wailua Falls",
    "lon": -159.37858,
    "lat": 22.03462


That's it! Making a customized search engine for OSM turns out to be fairly straight-forward!

The final product is a bit more involved; you can see the code here:

The final code has a few flourishes versus the snippets on this page: